Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 3, 2011


Verizon iPhone 5 late arrival leads to thoughts bizarre and defeating

It’s that old conundrum: two valid choices in front of you, can’t make up your mind, end up going with a third option you know you don’t want, out of some kind of twisted self defeatism. The ponderance is simple enough: get the Verizon iPhone 4, now wait until the Verizon iPhone 5 later this year. Both options are defendable, and either one makes sense to someone who’s been waiting years for the iPhone to come to Verizon and views the iPhone and its iOS platform to be the best smartphone venue on the market in 2011. And yet that same “I can’t choose between two good options” syndrome has some longtime iPhone lusters talking instead about options they don’t even want – and for no clear reason.
To be blunt, I’m tired of iPhone 5 lusters asking me to talk them out of doing stupid shit. “I don’t know whether to get the Verizon iPhone 4 or wait for the Verizon iPhone 5, so I might just get the Thunderbolt instead.” Do you like the Thunderbolt? “No.” Are you a fan of that Android nonsense? “No.” So then WTF are you talking about? “I don’t know.” It comes down to, it seems, that some folks on Verizon have simply been made to wait too long and are now pre-conditioned to talk themselves out of what they know they want. And it’s only human nature.
In fact that Verizon iPhone 4 vs 5 debate isn’t even the crux, but rather just a crutch or an excuse to deny oneself that which has been externally denied for too long. Spend long enough without anything that you wish you had, and you’ll eventually come up with reasons, real or otherwise, why you don’t really want it. The reason is simple: everybody rationalizes. No iPhone on Verizon all these years? Those who’ve desperately wanted an iPhone, but have been denied having it on their preferred carrier all these years, have at least subconsciously tried to sell themselves on not wanting one anyway. Fraudulent clowns fabricate an imaginary iPhone 4 antenna issue, and the Verizon-customers-in-waiting tell themselves that hey, maybe it’s true after all, maybe there really is a nation full iPhone 4 users who can’t touch their phone without it magically disconnecting. We fall for what we want to fall for, and Verizon customers, until this year, have needed compelling reasons to convince themselves that the iPhone wasn’t the lusted-after beast that they consider it to be. Otherwise, how to stay sane in the face of being denied?
It’s why those who’ve been “just friends” for too long can never manage to turn it into something more, even if they both reach a point where they can and want to. The reasons they’ve subconsciously sold themselves on over the years for wanting to remain just friends? Those get burned-in whether they’re legitimate or mere negative rationalization, and can’t easily be shaken off even once the opportunity presents itself. It’s the same self-protective yet flawed human logic which has Verizon customers who’ve spent years wanting the iPhone now denying themselves the Verizon iPhone 4 even though it’s everything they’ve wanted since 2007, using the promise of an upcoming Verizon iPhone 5 as a mere excuse for actively denying themselves what had, up until recently, been long denied to them by no choice of their own.
The extent to which Apple screwed up by not having the iPhone on multiple carriers from day one remains to be seen. The company is now taking significant steps to correct that mistake. But because Apple denied so many people the iPhone for so long, it now has to overcome the most self-defeating rationalized underbelly of human nature – and selling the Verizon iPhone 5 will be a far greater challenge that it should be. Millions of Verizon customers already know they want the iPhone 5 – heck, they want the iPhone 4 – but now Apple has to figure out how to work around the fact that they’ve spent so long convincing themselves that they were okay without having that which was denied to them. Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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